Welcome to the website of St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Studley. We are a small but very friendly and active Parish in the village of Studley, near Redditch. We hope you will enjoy finding out about our Parish community and its activities.
Please contact Fr Benedict on 01527 852524 or via the Contact Us page for the latest guidelines & advice on Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals.
Roof Repairs Update:
The internal work has now been completed, so Holy Mass will resume inside church on Saturday 7th September at 5pm & Sunday 8th September at 10:30am.
Scaffolding is now on the outside of the church to enable the external roof repairs to be carried out.
Please take care when entering the church and do not park near the scaffolding.
We have launched a Crowdfunding page to raise funds for the roof repairs – please click here to donate what you can. We really appreciate your support.
You can, of course, donate in the usual ways – by cash or cheque made payable to St Mary’s RC Parish. Please place cash or cheques in an envelope marked for the attention of Fr Benedict. It would be helpful if you would include your name & if you are able to Gift Aid. Envelopes will be available in the conservatory & bulletin dispenser in the porch. We really do appreciate your support. Thank you!
Please sign up to our mailing list here to receive updates.
The distinctive Catholic difference
Catholics are sacramental people. We believe that Christ instituted seven sacraments for His Church. God uses the ordinary and physical things of this world; bread, wine, water, oil and touch as channels of his grace. These include Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Marriage, Ordination and Sacrament of The Sick.
We believe that God reveals Himself in the written word of God (the Bible) and in the Tradition of The Church (the oral teachings of Christ and the Apostles not contained in the Bible and the reflection on Scripture of successive generations of Christians). Scripture and Tradition are interpreted by the Church’s teaching office, exercised by the Pope and Bishops (The Magisterium). Authority in the Church is held and exercised by the Pope and the College of Bishops, as successors to the Apostles. The Pope and the Bishops can teach authoritatively and infallibly on issues of faith and morals. This is a service of charity to The Word of God, which they faithfully serve.
If you would like to get in touch with us, our telephone number and full address is at the bottom of each web page. Otherwise please use our Contact Form.