Becoming part of the family of the Church
Does your family have a regular commitment to the Church?
In this Diocese preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is undertaken in the Catholic primary schools; in this Parish this is St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. However, it is also important to remember that before your child embarks on the preparation course at least one parent must be a baptised and practising Catholic.
This is part of a family commitment to this programme. Your child will be taught about their relationship with God, the Church, and with our wider faith community, therefore they need to feel part of their Christian family and be familiar with and regularly attend Sunday Mass.
All the important events in life need preparation, so that we make sure that everything is clear and everything goes as we hope. At this important point in your child’s life with God, Reconciliation and First Holy Communion too will need careful preparation. The preparation for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist is a very special time in the moral and spiritual development of your child.
It is also important to remember that, before your child embarks on the preparation course, at least one parent must be a baptised and practising Catholic.
What to do
If your child, for whatever reason, is not attending a Catholic school or missed out on First Holy Communion, it may be possible to arrange this through the parish. Contact the Parish Office (01527 852524) or use the contact form to arrange a meeting with the Parish Priest to discuss a date for your child’s First Holy Communion.