When I was ill you came to my help
When you are sick
The Sacrament of the Sick provides spiritual help and strength to those who are unwell or elderly, and is often administered to the housebound. The priest prays for, and with, the sick person and anoints them with Holy Oil. In the case of a long illness it is more helpful for the patient to receive the Sacrament at a time when they are able to appreciate the benefits it confers.
If you or someone you know would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick please contact the Parish Office.
When you go into hospital
When you go into hospital, if possible, please ask to see the Hospital Chaplain. Also, when you complete the admissions form please remember to state your religion as ‘RC’.
Holy Communion at home
Holy Communion can be brought to the housebound by Special Ministers of the Eucharist to those at home. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.